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Científicos vinculan la afición a la caza con tener el pene pequeño JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ

que jalada... como quiera por si las moscas dejame checo...
nomas primero necesito encontrar la lupa!!!:excer:
De hecho existe página y todo con los supuestos "científicos".
Es claramente una broma, pero nunca falta el periodista incauto que se la cree.
Dimunitive Male Genitalia Disorder
Ja,ja,ja! Pues si, como que el "gen del cazador" en el dibujito del ADN? Ja,ja,ja!

Pero si le creo que el periodista promedio mexicano diga "pos ta en Ingles, tiene dibujitos que no entiendo y lo firman muchos señores con nombres largos en ingles y con MD despues del nombre, tiene que ser cierto":animrofl:

DNA Structure: Male hunter
Case Study
32 year old male. To see results of this study click here.

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[h=3]New Research Finds Long-Suspected Link Between Hunting and Small Penis Size [/h] Diminutive male genitalia disorder (DMGD) has, until this month, been considered only a theory in the scientific world, but now the long-suspected link between hunting and unusually small penis size has been established as scientific fact by the Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organization (DMGDRO). The DMGDRO has conducted an extensive two-year study on men with diminutive male genitalia disorder.
Lead by Mike Streams and Brian Upchurch, who began their collaboration on human sexuality research while undergraduate students at Johns Hopkins University, DMGDRO is a team of New Orleans, Louisiana-based scientists interested in the study of male sexual disorders and dysfunction. Having identified the genetic disorder linking small male reproductive organs and the ability to derive pleasurable sensations from killing in a controlled environment without fear of personal harm (as differentiated from war or fighting back in an attack by a human being), also known as “controlled victim” aggression manifestation, Streams and Upchurch believe that there may be ways to combat men's feelings of inadequacy and curb some of the destructive behaviors that such men engage in as coping mechanisms.
“It's really quite interesting,” Dr. Streams says. “Like much folklore, it appears that, certainly in this case, there is a foundation in fact. This is the first time that research has been conducted on men who hunt, and it shows quite definitively that the link between what we are calling ‘the thrill of the kill' and a smaller-than-average penis is statistically significant."
Initial tests conducted on mice and rabbits proved inconclusive, but subsequent human test subjects showed what Dr. Upchurch calls “staggering results.” The subjects ranged from having a slight abnormality in penis size to a “pubis innyus” or inverted male pubic region. As data were gathered, the numbers revealed a discrepancy so great that it seemed to suggest a genetic mutation. By tracing what has been identified as the “DMGD gene,” an abnormality was discovered on the 21 st chromosome. Further investigation proved that this abnormality is consistently linked to two traits: abnormally small reproductive organs and “controlled victim” aggression manifestation. Drs. Streams and Upchurch and their colleagues theorize that an extreme case of DMGD may have been to blame in the 2004 Sawyer County, Wisconsin, incident in which a hunter went on a rampage, shooting at a group of other hunters and killing six of them.
Reaction from participants has been positive, and subjects described the results as liberating and a relief to finally be able to label their problem as a legitimate medical disorder.
Dr. Upchurch reports, “The first step in the treatment of a disorder is to understand its origins. We are pleased to have crossed that important threshold.”
Última edición:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!atencion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Compro baratas todas sus armas finas de caceria pago con alargadores de pene
no se arriesgue a que le digan peque
yo me sacrifico y me resigno a cargar a cuestas con el mito de tenerlo chiquito siempre y cuando me rematen sus fierros
saludos y estoy asus ordenes para levantar pedidos

Jajajajajaja en cuanto vi el tema me vi y me dije aaayyyy wey 7 pulgadas es mini para ellos a que estaran acostumbrados:animrofl::animrofl::above:
Pues con el frío que estaba haciendo ayer en la madrugada ya casi creía que era verdad lo declarado por estos científicos jajajaja
jjajajajajajajjaj ta buena, ya me imagino a los inches conejos cazando no mmnnn jajaja esta es la infinita guerra entre los cazadores y los "protectores de bambi"

Invito a los supuestos cientificos que me envian a sus hermanas para que me acompañen de caceria y compueben o desechen su teoria!!!