Miembro de la Vieja Guardia
Jajaja son los gatos de Eufemio en pleno desayuno?
No le temo tanto a subir al árbol sino lo que me espera si me aproximo a él jajaNi tan alta compa
Esos son falderos, se comen 20 kg de falda por diaJajaja son los gatos de Eufemio en pleno desayuno?
En el incidente mostrado arriba de la piscina en Austin, Texas, un grupo de jóvenes negros fue denunciado por invadir propiedad privada y actos vandálicos, destrucción de la propiedad, etc. por un grupo de vecinos (inicio de spring break). La policía vino y por supuesto muchos de los jóvenes (en estado de ebridad, etc.) se resistieron al arresto. Es normal que alguien salga lastimado si se resiste al arresto...
Según las palabras de un propietario negro del condominio:
""Let me reiterate, the neighbors or the neighborhood did not call the police because this was an African-American party or whatever the situation is," he said. "This was not a racially motivated event -- at all. This whole thing is being blown completely out of proportion."
"I may or may not agree with everything that the police officer did, but I do believe he was trying to establish order. I am thankful to God that nobody got hurt," Embry said, adding that it made him feel uncomfortable to see an officer kneel on a teenager in a bikini and wave his gun at other teens."
En las palabras de un joven negro involucrado:
"'It was not racism'
Jordan Gray, an African-American 16-year-old who was at the pool when the police arrived Friday, said comparing McKinney to Ferguson, Missouri -- where protests erupted after the shooting death of unarmed teen Michael Brown -- just isn't right.
"It's just separate events happening," he said.
The situation spun out of control because of improper police practices, he said, but he said the situation had nothing to do with race.
"It was just a young girl put on the ground against her will and that's all it was. It was not racism. It wasn't none of that. It seemed like racism because he put down all the black people and all the white people were walking around freely. ... The officer was so out of control that he didn't know what he was doing seemed like racism," Gray said."
En el incidente mostrado arriba de la piscina en Austin, Texas, un grupo de jóvenes negros fue denunciado por invadir propiedad privada y actos vandálicos, destrucción de la propiedad, etc. por un grupo de vecinos (inicio de spring break). La policía vino y por supuesto muchos de los jóvenes (en estado de ebridad, etc.) se resistieron al arresto. Es normal que alguien salga lastimado si se resiste al arresto...
Según las palabras de un propietario negro del condominio:
""Let me reiterate, the neighbors or the neighborhood did not call the police because this was an African-American party or whatever the situation is," he said. "This was not a racially motivated event -- at all. This whole thing is being blown completely out of proportion."
"I may or may not agree with everything that the police officer did, but I do believe he was trying to establish order. I am thankful to God that nobody got hurt," Embry said, adding that it made him feel uncomfortable to see an officer kneel on a teenager in a bikini and wave his gun at other teens."
En las palabras de un joven negro involucrado:
"'It was not racism'
Jordan Gray, an African-American 16-year-old who was at the pool when the police arrived Friday, said comparing McKinney to Ferguson, Missouri -- where protests erupted after the shooting death of unarmed teen Michael Brown -- just isn't right.
"It's just separate events happening," he said.
The situation spun out of control because of improper police practices, he said, but he said the situation had nothing to do with race.
"It was just a young girl put on the ground against her will and that's all it was. It was not racism. It wasn't none of that. It seemed like racism because he put down all the black people and all the white people were walking around freely. ... The officer was so out of control that he didn't know what he was doing seemed like racism," Gray said."
Tal como decia la otra vez, si fueras al cine con Ninel Conde, verias la pelicula.
Pero ahora me estas convenciendo de que si fueras con Ninel Conde y con la reina de Inglaterra al mismo tiempo, te agasajabas a la reina.
Por favor, no me hagas imaginar que harias entonces si fueras ahora con Ninel Conde y Hulk Hogan.
Prefiero comerme unos tacos del metro Pantitlan que imaginarme eso
Un post pro nazi mas tuyo, TF, y me vas a hacer imaginarmelo. Please, dont do it.
Plits, no te la jaleishon ya so moch TF
Te la vas a arranqueishon.
Pero bueno, cada quien sus gustos...
Te hace falta ver menos BOAX.
Y leer mas "Lo que temen que logremos", 1, 2, y 3